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Setting up the hottest shows in Bamberg since 2017!

Find the right Places
Speak to the Masses
Organizing Shows

Culture needs space!


In times of gentrification, urban development and utmost profitability there is less and less room for sub- and alternative culture.


In our hometown Bamberg we experienced this for the past 15 years.


Luckily there are some initiatives fighting these developments and we are supporting these groups.

Please support:

Kulturquartier Lagarde e.V.

Kontakt - Das Kulturprojekt


Transition Bamberg


We strongly believe, that nothing compares to a good rock show.


Music can trigger the highest of highs and help you cope with the lowest of lows.


We know many good Bands who never reach the crowd, because there are no venues, no support and no promotion for underground music.

This is where the Sick Kings come into play.

Let´s start the party!


Sick Kings Booking is a concert organizing company for artists we like.

Our primary goal is to book the most sexy and hottest Acts in Doom, Sludge, Postmetal, Hardcore, Metalcore and whatever non-mainstream genre on well-attended live shows.


We fully book, coordinate, schedule, and pay for every facet of the event so that you can focus on promotion and rehearsing for your show!
Bamberg is a small town, but we strongly believe that it deserves a good dose of pure Rock´n´Roll.

We do what we do because we are musicians ourselves, and we have a passion for bringing back under-ground live events to the so called "World Cultural Heritage town"


© 2017 by Sick Kings Bamberg. Proudly created with

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